Havarikommissionen.art udfører offentlig undersøgelse af en hændelse på kunstområdet på Heartland Festival torsdag kl. 16:00. En kendt kunstners udstilling er modtaget fra Kina i crates. Men skulpturene er skåret i stykker for at passe ned i kasserne. Når man udstiller i Kina må man indstille sig på at hugge en hæl og klippe en tå. […]
Simone Aaberg Kærn has started a new company, Alma Air Art ApS. Alma Air Art manages Simone Aaberg Kærns commercial activities, including app and software development, talks and events, and decorative and applied art projects. This allows her personal company to focus exclusively on fine art projects. Mission: To promote inclusion and diversity through applied […]
OPEN SKY lander på ARKEN i udstillingen GROUP THERAPY
29.02.24 – 28.07.24 Simone Aaberg Kærn udstiller for første gang på ARKEN og lander samtidigt sit værk OPEN SKY i samlingen. Oplev en flyver der har fløjet en performance i Afghanistan, en oppustelig hønseflok og en nedbrændt børnehave. En påhængsmotor som grønlandsk nationalsymbol. På udstillingen Group Therapy – Ny samtidskunst på ARKEN folder samtidskunsten sig ud […]
Tower of Wind
The Tower of Wind is meant as a monument celebrating sustainable architecture, in which the public can experience a journey through the history of meteorology and get an insight into how future technology can help combat climate challenges. Every city should have a weather temple like this meteorological pavilion and beautiful light Tower for how […]
“Burning Sky”/ Pursue a – Dream Simone Aaberg Kærn SOLO at NAC Nordic Contemporary Art Center Xiamen, China 08.03 – 03.06 2023
The exhibition raises the existential question: How can we continue soaring under the canopy of our life-tree while the sky is aflame? Are we capable of such a feat? The exhibition “Burning Sky” explores the dilemma of flying physically and mentally while the world is facing a climate crisis. The artist, a Danish pilot, spent […]
Simone Aaberg Kærn at the National Gallery of Denmark with Jenny Holzer & Mona Hatoum and more! After The Silence SMK 28. August – 21. November 2021
Simone Aaberg Kærn is in good company with Käthe Kollwitz, Hannah Höch, Hannah Ryggen, Nancy Spero, Paula Rego, Dea Trier Mørch, Kirsten Christensen, Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Kirsten Justesen, Lene Adler Petersen, Jenny Holzer, Mona Hatoum, Shirin Neshat, Pia Arke, Jeannette Ehlers, La Vaughn Belle, and Tabita Rezaire. Come explore art that’s ready to do battle! In […]
WINGS of Desire exhibition at Danish Artist Residency Ærø 29/7 to 1/8 2021
Wings of Desire: exhibition in a new residency on Ærø In the exhibition Wings of Desire, we meet a number of women, each of whom leads to a larger narrative about society and women’s identity in Denmark and the rest of the world. The sea and the air become metaphors for a fluid, invisible and […]
Lufthavets Kvinder – Women of the AIR-SEA – Ærø Air Field 29/7 2021
Simone Aaberg Kærn & Rudersdal Chamber Players: Women of the AirSea 29/7 2021 […]
UTOPI – projekt for dagbladet Information 29 maj 2020
Midt i corona-krisen i foråret 2020 besluttede Information sig for at give hele første sektion af avisen til kunstnerne Tal R, Simone Aaberg Kærn, Halfdan Pisket, Rikke Villadsen og Lea Porsagers, som leverede hver deres bud på en utopi om verden efter pandemien. “Paradise flooded” er Simone Aaberg Kærns bud på en utopi om verden efter […]
FLASH POINTS – Simone Aaberg Kærn at the National Gallery of Denmark with Jenny Holzer, Mona Hatoum,
Exhibition date has been postponed to August 2021 due to Covid-19 . Before 28 August – 22 November 2020. The art is ready for combat when SMK presents political art from the past 100 years with major works from among others Hannah Ryggen, Jenny Holzer, Mona Hatoum, Käthe Kollwitz, Simone Aaberg Kærn, Pia Arke, Ursula Reuter […]